(c) 2009 Beatismurder.com Netlabel | Designed by Dino Spiluttini
Bim01 - Yeah Pretty Boy- Good One Go EP
Yeah Pretty Boy's first release on Beatismurder.com compiles a couple of tracks that evolved while working on his first full-length debut and other projects, which does not mean that these tracks can be considered outtakes or leftovers.
Although you might miss his voice or anything else that makes a "usual" yeah pretty boy-song, "good one go" still features the typical elements and aesthetics you might already know from his rare live gigs or former releases. And this time, all is (not so) full of love: cranky melodies, glitchy and broken non-4/4-beats and that lovely grainy clicks and crackles that embrace you all the time. This piece of music is no real earcatcher and it will ask for an appropriate amount of attention, but once you've let it into your broken heart, "good one go" will emerge as a full blown piece of POP. Well, abstract pop, more likely, and that already sounds like the invention of a new genre... Hallelujah!
1.) Intro With Voice
2.) YPB's Anthem (To Be Finished Later)
3.) This Is A Lovesong (Shalala)...NOT!
4.) So Much For Our French Interlude
5.) The You Like Me More Than I Deserve Song
6.) Bridge/II
7.) Raquel, I'm Afraid Of Your Dog
8.) Noise And Buzzing On Freeze And Render
Good One Gone